Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sleepy Head
"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep, and you're never really awake-Fight Club"
I really need to get a good nights sleep. This bullshit of me waking up in the middle of the night has got to stop. I could deal with the waking up if I could fall right back asleep but that's not happening. I lay there, getting all worked up about not sleeping and all the bullshit of my life comes into my head and ugh.... I finally fall back asleep about 2 seconds before the alarm goes off. No amount of concealer can disguise the bags under my eyes. And the crankiness? Is being taken to new levels.
I've always been a bad sleeper, I have a hard time falling & staying asleep. I've been taking Ambien for a couple of years now, maybe I'm building up a tolerance to it? It's still putting me to sleep, I'm just not staying asleep. I can't help thinking a good fuck would really knock me out. Heh. Do you think I could get my dr. to prescribe that? "Listen B., can you do me? For medicinal purposes of course."
link | posted by Lisa Ann at Thursday, July 20, 2006