Sweet sixteen. That's how old I was in the summer of '79, the summer that I got together with the HS sweetheart. What a fan-fucking-tastic time that was. The head-over-heels feeling. The "I'm with the cutest, nicest guy who totally adores me" feeling. Holy shit. I would give anything to have that feeling again.
When I think of the HS sweetheart (ok, jeez, his name is Ross) I don't think of particular songs, I think of albums (yes, I said albums. I'm old. Shut up.). Candy-O.
Squeezing Out the Sparks. Damn The Torpedo's. Parallel Lines. Van Halen II.
Where am I going with this stroll down memory lane? I'm not really sure except that I really wonder what he's like today. Is he still a nice guy? Or did life turn him into an asshole? We know he's still incredibly cute but is he still incredibly funny? Could he still melt my heart with those baby blues? He hasn't said yes or no about the party so I have no idea if he will show up or not. I'm pretty sure that he has no intention of coming but since I haven't actually heard the word no, I can pretend right? Because seriously? How great would that be? You know I totally picture him falling madly in love with me -- sadly I'm not joking. Also in that scenario I'm about 40 lbs. skinnier. And have much better skin.
So here's my question: since I haven't heard from him, do I send another email, something like: Hope you can make it on Sun? Because if I don't hear a definite answer from him one way or the other I'll spend the whole party looking for him and will be wildly dissappointed that he doesn't show up. Because I'm lame like that. Any suggestions (besides to get a real life)?