For many years I kept a diary. I used those Hallmark date books that you would get for free from the card stores so there really wasn't alot of room, just enough to note what when on during a particular day. So here's what was happening to me on March 13....
At Liz's house, gotta go home tomw. What a drag but right now everything is cool. Spoke to Dad. (I ran away from home on my mother's birthday, how fucked up was that? I went to California, was staying with Liz & her family).
Went to all my classes. Went over to Gary's, hung out with Scott, Mike, Dave and John. Oh John! (Can you stand the excitement? In all fairness, I was 15 so WTF do you want from me?)
Went to all my classes. Did laundry with Sharon. Talked to John, Ross. (Another exciting day in the life.)
Went to seminar downtown, Rays for lunch, hung out afterward. It was beautiful out. Went to see "American Pop" with Kat & Chris, hung out with Ralph later, had a piss. Marshall Tucker Band on "Fridays." (This day stands out in my mind as one of the best days of my life. Nothing particularly great happened, it was just an all around great day.)
Mike Butz birthday, baked him a cake, hung out at Butz house. (Happy Birthday Mike Butz wherever you are.)
It was gorgeous out. Hung out with Kat & Bobby, Ralph called me.(Party animal, that's me.)
Today was Grandma's funeral, we all cried. Came back, talked to a million people. (An obviously sucky day.)
Today was a shitty day. Watched "Dallas", hung out with Frank. (BORING)
It was great out. Took Kitty outside, hung out at Frank's tonight. (Why the hell did I take the cat outside?)
Now, if I had to do a diary entry for today, March 13, 2006 (which I guess what blogging is doing in a way) it would go something like this:
Dr. appt. this morning. Need more tests (fuck!!). Worked sucked. 24 tonight.