Left work early again, this time for a fun reason. Had lunch with a friend who had twins 10 months ago, I haven't seen her since she had the babies. Went to City Bakery which has the BEST COOKIES EVER. Not only did I get the enjoy the baked goods, I enjoyed my friends company and holding! playing! more holding! and playing! with the two cutest babies. She warned me that they weren't always kind to strangers but no worries here. Those babies took to me like ducks to water. They recognize their own when they see one! Cause I'm nothing if not an overgrown child. It was a long overdue visit, I'm just sorry we didn't get to spend more time together. And that I didn't take pics of those delicious babies. Or get to eat more delicious cookies.
The weatherpeople are prediciting all kinds of snow-iness for the weekend. Got my netflix pix (Hustle & Junebug), got some mozzarella cheese (yummy goodness) and lots of other probably bad for me stuff so I'm all set. Bring it on baby bring it on!
- Queenmatrai had this to say:
Sounds like after Terrible Thursday, you've managed to swing a Fabulous Friday :)
-Noojes- 12:49 AM