Football seaon is over! Yeah! Which means Spring Training starts in like less than 2 weeks. Fucking A! OK, it's just pitchers & catchers but still.... I'll take it. I'm just wondering though, how did the offseason go by so fast? It's true what "they" say: the older you get, the faster time goes. Maybe 'cause (knock wood) we've had a pretty good winter weather-wise. Thank godness 'cause lordy I hate the snow and ice. But I digress.
In other news, I got the paint for my bathroom & kitchen. I had to move all the crap out of those rooms (which means I had to move other crap to make room for the displaced crap -- so now there's piles of crap in the weirdest places). Let's hope that this is a smooth & easy process, because I don't the ability to handle any inconvience or disruption to my life. Especially when it interrupts my bathroom time.
Sat. night the family & I went to Friday's for dinner. I can't stand that place, it's always so (fill in the blank) _______________ a. nasty b. disgusting c. gross d. all of the above. Ack!! It's not like I'm a gourmand snobby snob but still.... Clearly my vote in the "where shall we go for dinner" election was not the winner.
While the food and the service sucked, the company was grand. My niece & nephew never fail to make me laugh! I love being with them. I love the fact that I can be my totally goofy self with them and they are totally totally duffous selves with me. Growing up we always had to be on best behavior around the relatives and I definitely did not want to have that kind of relationship (cause really? that's not a relationship, that's an act) with the kids. So we teased my niece about her ample bosom (did not inherit that from me or my sister) and they teased me about being old. After dinner, lots of hugs and kisses and see you laters. And for that my friends I will gladly sit through dinner at Friday anytime. Food for the heart if you will.