This is generally a slow time of the year here at TCTMPS but this is fucking ridiculous. I can't tell you the last time the phone rang with an actual business-related call and really? I haven't done a lick of real work in 3 weeks. I'm bored out of my fucking skull & hate just sitting here trying to kill time. At least there is no one here to look over my shoulder so I don't have to pretend to be working but still..... if I'm sitting around doing nothing I'd much rather be doing it at home than here. This morning I had to do my end of the month report but that took a whooping 15 minutes. Oh baby, can you stand the excitement? Last year I took this week off and went to SF. The year before that was actually kinda busy around here. Talked to my friend AB today and his company gives them this week off WITH PAY. Not instead of their vacation time but in addition too. Sweet. Have I mentioned that I am completely out of personal time?
Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so fucking bored. I mean, I love you internet and all but how many fucking blogs can you read? Especially since not a lot of bloggers are posting this week, as they seem to have lives. I seriously believe I set a world's record for blog reading yesterday. So if you come across my ISP in your stats about a million times you know why.
Ok, what's new that I can blog about? Because I have another 2.5 hours to go. How's this? I get an email from HS sweetie, he's busy, blah, blah, happy holidays, we'll catch up soon, blah, blah and what do I look like these days? We haven't seen each other in about a billion years so I'm curious as to what he's looking like these days. He said he has a pic up on classmates but I'm too cheap to join -- I'll wait until he sends me one.
You know I'm trying to work up a good head of steam and start ranting about something/anything but really? Am too bored to care.