Friday, February 23, 2007
I'm Not A Slut! I Swear! I Have Proof!
I'm a bit flabbergasted.
I heard from the HS Sweetheart. For the most part it was an informative and cordial response, except for this part:
You cheated on me too much though although I was no angel either. I remember you going to visit [name redacted] and being with some guy. You also had to have [name redacted]. Isn't it funny, at the time, it seemed so important but thinking back, it was meaningless. Like what you said, we were so young and had no clue what the future holds for us.
This disturbs me. For the record, I cheated on him ONCE. And I just made out with guy (ok, that's not true, we did everything but have sex)(and that should count for something right?)
And what's this where "he was no angel either"? Does that mean what I think it means? What the bloody hell? Who did he cheat on me with? Fucking bastard, I want details now. Names! Dates! Places!
If memory serves me, and a browse through my diaries will prove me correct -- HS Sweetheart & I were quite broken up at the time [name redacted] & I got together. Like, a few months of broken up. So what the hell? And then he says it was "meaningless" -- then why you bringing it up NOW, 26 years later? Geez, I cheated on [name redacted] with his freaking best friend behind his back & he forgave me.
I just went through my diary and geez, the stuff you forget! It's kinda funny how time edits out a lot of the bullshit. But yes indeed we were long broken up by the time [name redacted] and I hooked up on May 20th (yes, I looked it up) As a matter of fact, this is my diary entry for Feb. 23, 1981:
1 year since... (a year ago on this date we had sex for the first time) well we are definitely over. Sorry to dissappoint him but it's all for the better
I have absolutely no recollection of what prompted that but I do recall we had broken up maybe in Dec?? and then gotten back together maybe a month or so before this 2nd break-up. I also know (thank goodness there is a written record of this stuff) that he tried to reconcile with me for several weeks but eventually he stopped trying.
This has me in a tizzy -- I don't want to respond and be all defensive but it really bothers me that he thinks this way about me. And I really don't want him to think this way about me.
link | posted by Lisa Ann at Friday, February 23, 2007