Just because 3 out of 5 of the Yankees starting rotation is on the DL is no reason to be worried. Or so I keep telling myself. Fucking Cry Baby Pavano. And what the hell is going on with all the errors? They look like Team Butterfingers out there.
Had a good birthday -- went to Shea with J and froze our rear ends off. But the Mets lost so I was happy! And MM was also at the game so we got to hang out for a couple of innings.
My birthday present to myself this year was I finally got TiVo -- hello 21st century. Maybe now I won't get "The World According to Jim" when I really wanted "Lost." Maybe.
Went to see the niece & nephew yesterday which was really nice until the nephew got into a car accident. Thankfully he was ok, and he didn't kill anyone.
And today? Today I'm enjoying not having to step outside into this wet, wet, wet day. It has been pouring (as in the cats & dogs variety) nonstop for hours. I'm happy to be inside where I'm warm and dry.