Have you noticed the lack of poop posts around here lately? That's because (knocks on wood) for the most part I've been feeling ALOT better lately. The new meds seem to be kicking in & the doc even lowered my dose of steroids, giving me a glimmer of hope that one of these months I'll be off them for good. I've been trying to stay away from anything fried or greasy and have been trying to make healthier food choices. Until lunchtime yesterday. What started out as a quest for salad wound up with me eating a cheesesteak (oddly enough, without the cheese). And paying the ultimate price for it all night. Oh yeah, it was a virtual poopfest around here. ANYWAY. I didn't go to work today. I felt a little bad about it since I'm taking next week off, and there was stuff to take care of before then, but I really was in no condition to leave the house. As evidenced by the fact that it's almost 5pm and I'm still in my pj's. ANYWAY. "Field of Dreams" was on this afternoon and that got me thinking about Iowa (Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa) or more specifically, about moving to Iowa. Do you know anyone who's lived there? Or even been there? The past few months I've spent alot of time daydreaming about just packing up the car (that I don't have) and moving. Moving away from the craziness that is NYC. Keep in mind I've really never lived anywhere else but here, with the exception being the year I lived in Dallas. Could I live someplace else? Would I be happier? Starting from scratch at my age is a kind of a terrifying thought. Where would I go? What would I do? As scary and intimidating as that is, starting over also has a certain appeal.
Do I have the nerve?