Random Things that I Am Hating About My New Job
At my old office the whole floor shared 2 bathrooms. Since there weren't a whole lotta women on the floor privacy usually wasn't an issue. Now? This new office is all women and there is ALWAYS someone in the ladies room. And they talk to you! While you're trying to pee!People, please shut up -- I need my pee time to be quiet.
I never know what time I'm going to get out of work which makes it really hard to schedule a waxing. My eyebrows are out of control.
The library by my office? Sucks! The "new" book shelf? Features books from about 4 years ago. No joke.
When the head honcho is in the office she turns the thermostat up to 85. Lady, I'm on steroids and premenopausal. First you talk to me when I'm peeing and now you're making me melt? You're killing me.
8:15 am sales meeetings. 'Nuff said there.