Am I the only person on this planet working today? OK, to call what I'm doing today working would be a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point. I'm so blowing this popstand early. TCTMPS be damned. It's funny, my rushing off. You might think I actually have something to do/someplace to go. Which is SO not the case. But still.
This Weekend
I won't bore you with the painful details, let's just say boring doesn't begin to cover it. I didn't leave the house on Sat. (involuntarily - poop related matters) and barely made it to the store on Sun. I re-watched the entire first season of The Wire (p.s. I love you Dominic West) and spent alot of time bemoaning my fate. And cursing the gods. And whoever else I could think of.
Friday Night
3 mojitos (can you say happy hour?), yummy gauc and some good girl talk.