You know how when someone you know gets engaged and starts planning their wedding and that's ALL they can talk about? Every fucking day, all day long. I am working with one of those people and it's like the fucking Wedding Channel here & I can't turn it off. How much can I fake being interested? A few years ago the BF's SIL was planning a wedding and oh my god. The drama. The dresses. The money spent. So after spending oodles of $$ and having this huge fucking big deal wedding they've broken up because she started seeing someone else 'cause it turned out hubby wasn't someone she wanted to spend her life with. HELLO!! People (and by people I mean the brides) get so caught up in the whole wedding hoopla that I think they forget it's the marriage and not the wedding that's important. The one at work was commenting that planning a wedding is so hard and someone told her "planning a wedding is easy, being married is hard". Amen to that. Here I am, acting all high & mighty, when my own marriage went south in about 20 minutes. I can plead that we were young (so young!) so naive (oh so naive!) and just plain old stupid (hell yeah!). Did I have a clue what marriage was all about when I was 20? I didn't have a clue what life was all about!! I still don't but that's besides the point. Plus, I didn't have a big wedding and didn't bore the hell out of everyone talking about it ALL THE TIME!!!
QUESTION FOR BLOG SAVVY PEOPLE: How come I'm getting hits from Their blogs says
"We are a small group of christian guys from The Rock Church. We're meeting once a week to learn more about god, and the men that god wants us to be! like him.. to break free of the worldly molds, and truely have a heart to do great things for the Lord, Jesus."So we know this is right up my alley! And not just one or two hits so I might think it was a fluke but I've had several hits on several days. Do you think someone over there is looking for young boy f***** spoons?
Seriously, if you're reading this blog from manlier than hell please tell me how the hell you found your way over here. Not that you're not welcome here, you're just aroused my curiousity.
- Janet had this to say:
That blog is...interesting? I'm looking for a good word and nothing seems to fit.
I would leave a comment there or email if you can. Maybe you have a secret admirer.
I know exactly what you are talking about with the wedding thing. Most of my friends were the same way only now wedding talk has been replaced by incessant baby talk.:(- 4:37 PM
- Lisa Ann had this to say:
Agh... the only worse than the wedding talk is the kid talk :X
- 4:08 PM