I can't even begin to detail how totally and royally my life sucks.
Nothing comes easy and everything is that much harder.
Physically I'm no better today than I was 6 months ago. I feel for every step forward I make a day later it's two steps back.
Emotionally I'm a wreck. The stress of my illness, the uncertainty that surrounds my job, the total absence of any kind of semblance of a romantic life... it's just not good.
I can't seem to get into any kind of good groove and it's taking its toll. I try to force myself to be in a good mood but can't substain it for very long. I'm hiding myself from loved ones because I know what a drag I'm being and don't want to inclict this on anyone else.
And if the fucking Yanks lose today I'm gonna be really pissed.
- ozchic_9 had this to say:
Stay in your comfy costco PJ's and eat icecream, or whatever you fancy and do nothing for as long as you can...Nothing wrong with that ;)
- 9:43 AM
- Queenmatrai had this to say:
Hang in there girl :)
- 1:33 AM